Paradox Beauty Discount Code

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5 months ago

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Products available at Paradox Beauty Coupon Code

Wide ranging products on various categories are readily found on the paradox beauty. Backpacks, sweatshirt, leggings, poppy dresses, tote, tops, blankets and pillows are available online. Appliances such as hair dryers, flat irons & hair straighteners, curling irons & wands are present to make hair stylish and provide you with the ease and comfort to do whatever you want to do with your hair.
Brushes like blow drying brushes, boar bristle brushes, paddle brushes, detangling brushes, makeup brushes and combs are found on the online store. Hair care products like shampoo, conditioner, hair treatments, styling products are there to take care hair. Face masks, eye masks, face moisturizer and skin moisturizer are present on store. Bass hair towel, brushes and TEI spa hair sonic system are found to make spa experience great. Paradox Beauty voucher code makes the products more affordable for people so they can buy what they want and desire.

Services and Features offers at Paradox Beauty

Great services anf features are offered at Paradox Beauty online store. The products are well diversified and they are from various brands such as Alterna, American Crew, Bass, Dr. Jart+, It’s Skin, Mason Pearson so that a large variety is available to the customers. The shipping is not just limited to US but they also offers international shipping facility to some countries to help their customers. The range of options for online payment is available including VISA, Master Card, AMERICAN EXPRESS and PayPal. The online payments are completely secured and safe and powered by Shopify which stores information in encrypted form and is stored in serves behind the firewall. The personal data and credit card details are kept secret and is not prone to get attacked by hackers online.
Order tracking option is available for the customers so they can know the time it will take to get it delivered. They offers the flexible return policy to its customers as the product can be returned within a month if they didn’t find the product to cover their needs or delivered one is different from the one which is ordered by the customer. Then the unused product except wet products like nail polish, shampoos and conditioners has to be delivered back to us to initiate a return. Paradox Beauty promo code makes the availability of the services easier for the customers.

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